Whether you walk the Hill once a day or once a year, you are a friend of Tumamoc.
With an annual gift of support, you can help ensure that what you love about Tumamoc not only remains but is enhanced. Friends of Tumamoc Hill have opportunities to learn about and engage with the past and the future of Tumamoc.
Thanks to the Friends of Tumamoc, we recently repaved the road on Tumamoc Hill. Visit our crowd-funding page to see what we accomplished together.

How to Join
Make a secure gift online through the UA Foundation
Checks made payable to “University of Arizona Foundation” with “Tumamoc Research” or “Tumamoc Community Outreach” included in the memo line may be sent to:
Tumamoc Hill c/o RII Business Center
Marshall Building
Room 525
845 N. Park Avenue
PO Box 210158B
Tucson AZ 85719