The Tumamoc Hill Advisory Council was established in 2016. An esteemed group of over 10 individuals from the University of Arizona, Tucson community, and international scientific community advises the Director of the Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill on future directions and initiatives.
Council Members
- Jim Cook, Chief Executive Officer, Western National Parks Association
- N. Levi Esquerra (Chemehuevi), Senior Vice President for Native American Advancement and Tribal Engagement
- Exequiel Ezcurra, PhD, Professor, Deptartment of Botany & Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside
- Deborah Goldberg, PhD, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Emerita and Margaret B. Davis Distinguished University Professor Emerita of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan and Adjunct Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona
- Brooks Jeffrey, PhD, Associate Vice President for Research, Office for Research, Innovation & Impact (RII), University of Arizona
- Julie Katsel, Senior Director, Government Relations / Local and Community, Government & Community Relations, University of Arizona
- Russell Long, Long Realty Company
- Edith Lowell, Community member and grand daughter of Godfrey Sykes
- Jonathan Mabry, PhD, Director, Tucson City of Gastronomy and Associated Researcher, Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill
- Gary Nabhan, PhD,, PW.K. Kellogg Chair in Southwest Borderlands Food and Water Security, Southwest Center, University of Arizona
- Stephen Paul, Founder and President, Whiskey Del Bac
- Shannon Plummer, Interim Arizona Antiquities Act Administrator, Arizona State Museum
- Joaquin Ruiz, PhD, Vice President for Global Environmental Futures, Office for Research, Innovation & Impact (RII), University of Arizona
- Sarah Smallhouse, Thomas R. Brown Foundations
- Justin Turner, President, Arroyo Engineering
- Larry Venable, PhD, Director of Research, Desert Laboratory; Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona