This is an ongoing (and incomplete) list of the work that has resulted from and is about Tumamoc Hill. Please send additions to Clark Reddin at
Larson, S. M. 1972. The Tumamoc Hill site near Tucson, Arizona. Kiva 35:95-101.
Ferg, A. 1979. The petroglyphs of Tumamoc Hill. Kiva 45:95-118.
Hartmann, G.H. and W.K. Hartmann. 1979. Prehistoric trail systems and related features on the slopes of Tumamoc Hill. Kiva 45:39-70.
Jacobs, M. 1979 The St. Mary’s Hospital Site. The Kiva 45:119–130.
Larson, S.M. 1979. The material culture distribution on the Tumamoc Hill summit. Kiva 45:71-82.
Masse, W.B. 1979. An intensive survey of prehistoric dry farming systems near Tumamoc Hill in Tucson, Arizona. Kiva 45:141-186.
McClean, D.R. and S.M. Larson. 1979. Inferences from the distribution of plainware sherd attributes on Tumamoc Hill. Kiva 45:83-94.
Wilcox, D.R. 1979. Warfare implications of dry-laid masonry walls on Tumamoc Hill. Kiva 45:15-38.
Wilcox, D.R. and S.M. Larson. 1979. Introduction to the Tumamoc Hill Survey. Kiva 45:1-14.
Wilcox, D.R., S.M. Larson, W. B. Masse, G. H. Hartmann, and A. Ferg. 1979. A summary of conclusions and recommendations of the Tumamoc Hill survey. Kiva 45:187-195.
Fish, S. K, P. R. Fish, C. Miksicek, and J. Madsen. 1985. Prehistoric Agave Cultivation in Southern Arizona. Desert Plants 7:107–112.
Fish, P. R., S. K. Fish, A. Long, and C. Miksicek. 1986. Early corn remains from Tumamoc Hill, southern Arizona. American Antiquity 51:563-572.
Martynec, Richard J. 1986 A Comparative Analysis of Rock Art at Trincheras Sites in the Tucson Basin. In Rock Art Papers, Vol. 3, edited by K. Hedges, pp. 103–116. Museum Papers No. 20. San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego.
Fish, Suzanne, Paul Fish, and John Madsen. 1992. The Marana Community in the Hohokam World. Anthropological Papers No. 56. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Jones, Jeffrey T. 2000. Cultural Resources Survey of 145 Acres of State Trust Land West of Tumamoc Hill in Tucson, Arizona. Letter Report No. 2000.049. Old Pueblo Archaeology Center, Tucson.
Fish, Paul. 2005. Tumamoc Hill and University Indian Ruin. In Cross-Cultural Vernacular Landscapes of Southern Arizona: A Field Guide for the Vernacular Architecture Forum, 25th Anniversary Conference, Tucson, Arizona, edited by L. Hollengreen and R. Jeffery, pp. 219–226. Vernacular Architecture Forum, Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Fish, Paul, and Suzanne Fish. 2007. Tumamoc Hill Revisited: New Data and Alternative Perspectives on Early Trincheras Sites. Glyphs 57:8. Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society, Tucson.
Fish, S. K., P. R. Fish, and M. E. Villalpando. 2007. Trincheras sites in time, space, and society. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
Fish, Suzanne K., Paul R. Fish, and Gary Christopherson 2007 Early occupations on Tumamoc Hill. Archaeology Southwest 21:4–5.
Howell, R. Emerson 2007 A Preliminary Report on the Historic Archaeological Resources at Tumamoc Hill. Manuscript on file, Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Wallace, H. D., P. R. Fish, and S. K. Fish. 2007. Tumamoc Hill and the early Pioneer Period occupation of the Tucson Basin. Pages 137–164 in S. K. Fish, P. R. Fish, and E. Villalpando, Editors. Trincheras Sites in Time, Space, and Society. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
Fish, Suzanne K., Paul R. Fish, and Gary Christopherson 2008 Tumamoc Hill Archaeological Data Base. Consists of maps, locational data, drawings, photos, field notes, and forms. Data base to be added to AZSITE Data Base at the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona.
Fish, S. K., P. R. Fish, G. Christopherson, T. A. Pitezel, J. T. Watson. 2011. Two villages on Tumamoc Hill. Journal of Arizona Archaeology 1(2):185-196
Hartmann, G. H. and P. C. Boyle. 2013. New perspectives on the rock art and prehistoric settlement organization of Tumamoc Hill, Tucson, Arizona. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series 208
Cannon, W. A. 1905. On the transpiration of Fouquieria splendens. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 32:397-414.
Spalding, E. S. 1905. Mechanical adjustment of the suaharo (Cereus giganteus) to varying quantities of stored water. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 32:57-68.
Cannon, W. A. 1906. The biological relations of certain cacti. American Naturalist 40:27-41
Livingston, B. E. 1906. The relation of desert plants to soil moisture and evaporation. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 50.
Lloyd, F. E. 1906. The artificial induction of leaf formation in the ocotillo. Plant World 9:56-62.
MacDougal, D. T. 1906. The Delta of the Rio Colorado. Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, Vol. 38, No. 1 (1906), pp. 1-16
MacDougal, D. T., G. Sykes. 1907. The Desert Basins of the Colorado Delta. Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, Vol. 39, No. 12 pp. 705-729
Cannon, W. A. 1908. The topography of the chlorophyll apparatus in Desert Plants. Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication no. 98.
MacDougal, D. T. 1908. Botanical features of North American deserts. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 99.
MacDougal, D. T. 1908. The course of the vegetative seasons in southern Arizona. Plant World 11:189-201, 217-231, 237-249, 261-270.
Livingston, B. E. 1909. The soils of the Desert Laboratory domain. In: V. M. Spalding, ed., Distribution and movements of desert plants, pp. 83-94. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 113.
Spalding, V. M. 1909. Distribution and movements of desert plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 113.
Spalding, V. M. 1909. Distribution and movement of desert plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Thornber, J. J. 1909. Vegetation groups of the Desert Laboratory domain. In: V. M. Spalding, ed., Distribution and movements of desert plants, pp. 103-112. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 113.
Livingston, B. E. 1910. Relation of soil moisture to desert vegetation. Botanical Gazette 50:241-256.
MacDougal, D. T. and E. S. Spalding. 1910. The water balance of succulent plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 141.
MacDougal, D. T., W. A. Cannon. 1910. The Condition of parasitism in plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 129
Shreve, F. 1910. The rate of establishment of the giant cactus. Plant World 13:235-240.
Cannon, W. A. 1911. The root habits of desert plants. Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication no. 131.
Shreve, F. 1911. Establishment behavior of the palo verde. Plant World 14:289-299.
Shreve, F. 1911. The influence of low temperatures on the distribution of the giant cactus. Plant World 14:136–146.
Brown, W. H. 1912. The relation of evaporation to the water content of the soil at the time of wilting. Plant World 15:121-134.
Lloyd, F. E. 1912. The physiology of stomata. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 82.
Lloyd, F. E. 1912. The relation of transpiration and stomatal movements to the water-content of the leaves in Fouquieria splendens. Plant World 15:1-14.
Shreve, F. 1912. Cold air drainage. Plant World 15:110-115.
Cannon, W. A. 1913. Notes on root variation in some desert plants. Plant World 16:323-341.
Shreve, E. B. 1914. The daily march of transpiration in a desert perennial. Carnegie Institution of Washington publication no. 194.
Shreve, F. 1914. Rainfall as a determinant of soil moisture. Plant World 17:9-26.
Shreve, F. 1914. The role of winter temperatures in determining the distribution of plants. American Journal of Botany 1:194-202.
Shreve, E. B. 1915. An investigation of the causes of autonomic movements in succulent plants. Plant World 18:297-343.
Shreve, F. 1915. The vegetation of a desert mountain range as conditioned by climatic factors. Carnegie Institution of Washington publication no. 217
Cannon, W. A. 1916. On the relation of root growth and development to the temperature and aeration of the soil. American Naturalist 50:435-442.
Shreve, F. 1917. The establishment of desert perennials. Journal of Ecology 5:210-216.
Cannon, W. A. 1918. The evaluation of the soil temperature factor in root growth. Plant World 21:64-67.
MacDougal, D. T. 1920. Hydration and growth. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 297.
Shreve, E. B. 1923. Seasonal changes in the water relations of desert plants. Ecology 4:266-292.
Shreve, E. B. 1924. Factors governing seasonal changes in the transpiration of Encelia farinosa. Botanical Gazette 77:432-439.
Shreve, F. 1929. Changes in desert vegetation. Ecology 10:364–373.
Shreve, F. 1929. Changes in desert vegetation. Ecology 10:364-373.
Shreve, F. 1931. Physical conditions in sun and shade. Ecology 12:96-104.
Humphrey, R. R. 1933. A detailed study of desert rainfall. Ecology 14:31-34.
Shreve, F. 1934. Rainfall, runoff and soil moisture under desert conditions. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 24:131-156.
MacDougal, D. T. 1936. Studies in tree-growth by the dendrographic method. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 462.
Shreve, F. and W. V. Turnage. 1936. The establishment of moisture equilibrium in soil. Soil Science 41:351-355.
Shreve, F. and A. L. Hinckley. 1937. Thirty years of change in desert vegetation. Ecology 18:463-478.
Turnage, W. F. and A. L. Hinckley. 1938. Freezing weather in relation to plant distribution in the Sonoran Desert. Ecological Monographs 8:529-550.
Darrow, R. A. 1943. Vegetative and floral growth of Fouquieria splendens. Ecology 24:310-322
Gibble, W. P. 1950. Nineteen years of vegetational change in a desert habitat. M.S. thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Shreve, Forest 1951 Vegetation of the Sonoran Desert. Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C.
Blydenstein, J., C. R. Hungerford, G. I. Day, and R. R. Humphrey. 1957. Effect of domestic livestock exclusion on vegetation in the Sonoran Desert. Ecology 38:522-526.
Murray, A. V. 1959. An analysis of changes in Sonoran Desert vegetation for the years 1928-1957. M.S. thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Hastings, J. R. 1961. Precipitation and saguaro growth. University of Arizona Arid Lands Colloquia 1959-60/1960-61:30-38.
Hastings, J. R., and S. M. Alcorn. 1961. Physical determinations of growth and age in the giant cactus. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science 2:32–39.
Martin, Paul 1963 The Last 10,000 Years, a Fossil Pollen Record of the American Southwest. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Niering, W. A., R. H. Whittaker, and C. H. Lowe. 1963. The saguaro: a population in relation to environment. Science 142:15–23.
Turner, R. M. 1963. Growth in four species of Sonoran Desert trees. Ecology 44:760-765.
Hastings, J.R. and R.M. Turner. 1965. The Changing Mile: An Ecological Study of Vegetation Change with Time in the Lower Mile of an Arid and Semiarid Region. Tucson, Arizona, University of Arizona Press.
Brum, G. D. 1973. Ecology of the saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea): phenology and establishment in marginal populations. Madroño 22:195–204.
Martin, S. C. and R. M. Turner. 1977. Vegetation change in the Sonoran Desert region: Arizona and Sonora. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science 12:59-69.
Steenbergh, W. F., and C. H. Lowe. 1977. Ecology of the saguaro. National Park Service, Washington D.C., USA.
Waser, N. M. 1979. Pollinator availability as a determinant of flowering time in ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens). Oecologia 39:107-121.
Steadman, David W. 1980 Birds of Tumamoc Hill. Manuscript on file, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Turner, R.M. and M.M. Karpiscak. 1980. Recent Vegetation Changes along the Colorado River Between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1132.
Steenbergh, W. F., and C. H. Lowe. 1983. Ecology of the saguaro. III. Growth and demography. Scientific Monograph Series 17. National Park Service, Washington, D.C., USA.
Bowers, J. E. and R. M. Turner. 1985. A revised vascular flora of Tumamoc Hill, Tucson, Arizona. Madroño 32:225-252.
White, J. 1985. The census of plants in vegetation. In: J. White, ed., The population structure of vegetation, p. 33-88. Dr. W. Junk, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Goldberg, D. E. and R. M. Turner. 1986. Vegetation change and plant demography in permanent plots in the Sonoran Desert. Ecology 67:695-712.
McAuliffe, J. R., and F. J. Janzen. 1986. Effects of intraspecific crowding on water-uptake, water storage, apical growth, and reproductive potential in the sahuaro cactus, Carnegiea gigantea. Botanical Gazette 147:334–341.
Nobel, P. S., G. N. Geller, S. C. Kee, and A. D. Zimmerman. 1986. Temperatures and thermal tolerances for cacti exposed to high-temperatures near the soil surface. Plant Cell and Environment 9:1486–1489.
Schmidt, J.O., and S.L. Buchmann, 1986. Floral biology of the saguaro (Cereus giganteus), part 1: Pollen harvest by Apis mellifera. Oecologia 69:491-498.
Nobel, P. S. 1988. Environmental biology of agaves and cacti. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY.
Turner, R. M. and J. E. Bowers. 1988. Long-term changes in populations of Carnegiea gigantea, exotic plant species and Cercidium floridum at the Desert Laboratory, Tumamoc Hill, Tucson, Arizona. In: E. E. Whitehead et al., eds., Arid lands, today and tomorrow: proceedings of the international arid lands research and development conference, October 1985, Tucson, Arizona, pp. 445-455. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
McAuliffe, J. R. 1990. Paloverdes, pocket mice, and bruchid beetles: interrelationships of seeds, dispersers, and seed predators. Southwestern Naturalist 35:329-337.
Turner, R. M. 1990. Long-term vegetation change at a fully protected Sonoran Desert site. Ecology 71:464–477.
Burgess, T. L., J. E. Bowers, and R. M. Turner 1991. Exotic plants at the Desert Laboratory, Tucson, Arizona. Madroño 38:96-114.
Pantastico, M. and D. L. Venable. 1993. Competition in two species of desert annuals along a topographic gradient. Ecology 74: 2192-2203.
Parker, K. C. 1993. Climatic effects on regeneration trends for 2 columnar cacti in the northern Sonoran Desert. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 83:452–474.
Venable, D. L., C. E. Pake, and A. C. Caprio. 1993. Diversity and coexistence of Sonoran Desert winter annuals. Plant Species Biology 8:207-216.
Bowers, J. E. 1994. Natural conditions for seedling emergence of three woody species in the northern Sonoran Desert. Madroño 41:73-84.
Bowers, J. E. 1994. Natural conditions for seedling emergence of three woody plants in the northern Sonoran Desert. Madrono 41:73–84.
Bowers, J. E. and M. A. Dimmitt. 1994. Flowering phenology of six woody plants in the northern Sonoran Desert. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 121:215-229.
McAuliffe, J. R. 1994. Landscape evolution, soil formation, and ecological patterns and processes in Sonoran Desert bajadas. Ecological Monographs 64:111-148.
Bowers, J. E., R. H. Webb, and R. J. Rondeau. 1995. Longevity, recruitment and mortality of desert plants in Grand-Canyon, Arizona, USA. Journal of Vegetation Science 6:551–564.
Pake, C. E. and D. L. Venable. 1995. Is coexistence in Sonoran Desert annuals mediated by temporal variablility in reproductive success? Ecology 76:246-261.
Turner, R. M., J. E. Bowers, T. L. Burgess, and J. R. Hastings. 1995. Sonoran Desert Plants : an ecological atlas. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
Bowers, J. E. 1996. Growth rate and life span of a prickly pear cactus, Opuntia engelmannii, in the northern Sonoran Desert. Southwestern Naturalist 41:315-334.
Bowers, J. E. 1996. More flowers or new cladodes? Environmental correlates and biological consequences of sexual reproduction in a Sonoran Desert prickly pear cactus, Opuntia engelmannii. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 123:34-40.
Bowers, J.E. 1996. Environmental determinants of flowering date in the columnar cactus Carnegiea gigantea in the northern Sonoran Desert. Madroño 43:69-84.
Pake, C. E. and D. L. Venable 1996. Seed banks in desert annuals: implications for persistence and coexistence in a variable environment. Ecology 77:1427-1435.
Webb, R.H. 1996. Grand Canyon: A Century of Change. Tucson, University of Arizona Press.
Bowers, J. E. 1997. The effect of drought on Engelmann prickly pear (Opuntia engelmannii) fruit and seed production. Southwestern Naturalist 42:240-242.
Bowers, J. E. 1997. Demographic patterns of Ferocactus cylindraceus in relation to substrate age and grazing history. Plant Ecology 133:37–48.
Bowers, J. E. 1998. Reproductive potential and minimum reproductive size of Ferocactus wislizeni (Cactaceae). Desert Plants 14:3-7.
Pierson, E. A. and R. M. Turner. 1998. An 85-year study of saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) demography. Ecology 79:2676-2693.
Turner, R.M., H.A. Ochung’ and J.B. Turner, 1998. Kenya’s Changing Landscape. Tucson, University of Arizona Press.
Venable, D. L. and C. E. Pake. 1999. Population ecology of Sonoran Desert annual plants. In: R.Robichaux, ed., The ecology of Sonoran Desert plants and plant communities, pp. 115-142. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Bowers, J. E. 2000. Does Ferocactus wislizeni (Cactaceae) have a between-year seed bank? Journal of Arid Environments 45:197-205.
Bowers, J. E. 2000. Regeneration of triangle-leaf bursage (Ambrosia deltoidea: Asteraceae): germination behavior and persistent seed bank. Southwestern Naturalist 47: 449-453.
Moriuchi, K. S.,Venable, D. L., Pake, C. E., and T. Lange. 2000. Direct measurements of seed bank age structure of a Sonoran Desert annual plant. Ecology 81:1133-1138.
Bowers, J. E. and R. M. Turner. 2001. Dieback and episodic mortality of Cercidium microphyllum (foothill paloverde), a dominant Sonoran Desert tree. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 128:128-140.
Bowers, J. E. and R. M. Turner. 2002. The influence of climatic variability on local population dynamics of Cercidium microphyllum (foothill paloverde). Oecologia 130:105-113.
Drezner, T. D., and R. C. Balling. 2002. Climatic controls of saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) regeneration: A potential link with El Nino. Physical Geography 23:465–475.
Enquist, B.J., Economo, E. P., Huxman, T.E., Allen, A. P. Ignace, D. D. and J. F. Gillooly. 2003. Scaling metabolism from organisms to ecosystems. Nature 423:639-642.
Turner, R. M., R. H. Webb, J. E. Bowers, and J. R. Hastings. 2003. The changing mile revisited: an ecological study of vegetation change with time in the lower mile of an arid and semiarid region. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
Bowers, J. E., R. M. Turner, and T. L. Burgess. 2004. Temporal and spatial patterns in emergence and early survival of perennial plants in the Sonoran Desert. Plant Ecology 172:107–119.
Bowers, J. E. 2005. New evidence for persistent or transient seed banks in three Sonoran Desert cacti. Southwestern Naturalist 50:482–487.
Bowers, J.E. 2005. Effects of drought on shrub survival and longevity in the northern Sonoran Desert. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 132:421–431.
Bowers, J.E, T.M. Bean and R.M. Turner. 2006. Two decades of change in distribution of exotic plants at the Desert Laboratory, Tucson, Arizona. Madroño 53:252-263.
Drezner, T. D. 2006. Regeneration of Carnegiea gigantea (Cactaceae) since 1850 in three populations in the northern Sonoran Desert. Acta Oecologica 29:178–186.
Webb, R.H., D.E. Boyer and R.M. Turner. 2007. The Desert Laboratory Repeat Photography Collection—An invaluable archive documenting landscape change. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2007-3046.
Webb, R.H., S.A Leake, and R.M. Turner. 2007. The Ribbon of Green: Change in Riparian Vegetation in the Southwestern United States. Tucson, University of Arizona Press.
Drezner, T. D., and R. C. Balling. 2008. Regeneration cycles of the keystone species Carnegiea gigantea are linked to worldwide volcanism. Journal of Vegetation Science 19:587–596.
Bullock, S.H., and R.M. Turner. 2010. Plant population fluxes in the Sonoran Desert shown by repeat photography. Pages 119-132 in Webb, R.H. Boyer, D.E., and Turner, R.M. (editors). Repeat Photography: Methods and Applications in the Natural Sciences. Washington, D.C., Island Press.
Butterfield, B.J., J.L Betancourt, R.M. Turner and J.M. Briggs, 2010. Facilitation drives 65 years of vegetation change in the Sonoran Desert. Ecology 91:1132–1139.
Danzer, S., and T. D. Drezner. 2010. Demographics of more than 12,000 individuals of a keystone species in the northern Sonoran Desert since the mid-1800s. International Journal of Plant Sciences 171:538–546.
English, N. B., D. L. Dettman, and D. G. Williams. 2010. A 26-year stable isotope record of humidity and El Niño-enhanced precipitation in the spines of saguaro cactus, Carnegiea gigantea. Palaegeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 293:108–119.
Webb, R.H. D.E. Boyer and R.M. Turner, (editors). 2010b. Repeat Photography: Methods and Applications in the Natural Sciences. Washington, D.C., Island Press.
Webb, R.H., R.M. Turner and D.E. Boyer. 2010. Introduction: A brief history of repeat photography. Pages 3-11 in R.H. Webb, D.E. Boyer and R.M. Turner, (editors). Repeat Photography: Methods and Applications in the Natural Sciences. Washington, D.C., Island Press.
Munson, S. M., R. H. Webb, and J. A. Hubbard. 2011. A comparison of methods to assess long-term changes in Sonoran Desert vegetation. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/SODN/NRTR—2011/436. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Olsson, A. D., J. Betancourt, M. P. McClaran, and S. E. Marsh. 2012. Sonoran Desert Ecosystem transformation by a C4 grass without the grass/fire cycle. Diversity and Distributions 18:10–21.
Pierson, E. A., R. M. Turner, and J. L. Betancourt. 2012. Regional demographic trends from long-term studies of saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) across the Northern Sonoran Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 88:57–69.
McKinney, A.M., P.J. CaraDonna, D.W. Inouye, B. Barr, C.D. Bertelsen, and N.M. Waser. 2012. Asynchronous changes in phenology of migrating Broad-tailed Hummingbirds and their early-season nectar resources. Ecology, 93: 1987-1993.
Susana R.-B., H. Raichle, T. Birt, R. H. Webb, R. M. Turner, E. A. Pierson, and D. L. Venable. 2013. Population dynamics of Sonoran Desert saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) at the Desert Laboratory (Tucson, Arizona). Ecology 94:1660.
Ge, X. M., J. P. Scholl, U. Basinger, T. E. Huxman, D. L. Venable. 2019. Functional trait trade-off and species abundance: insights from a multi-decadal study. Ecology Letters 22: 583–592.
Brown, C., S. Rodriguez Buritica, D.E. Goldberg, F. Reichenbacher, D.L. Venable, R.H. Webb, and B.T. Wilder. 2023. One hundred and six years of change in the Sonoran Desert plant community. Ecology e4194.
Flesch, A. D., G.P. Nabhan, and P. Holm. 2023. Historical changes in bird communities at Quitobaquito Springs, Arizona and impacts of climate, spring flow, and shift from Indigenous to federal-agency management. Journal of Arid Environments, Volume 219.
Wyman, J.T., A.D. Flesch, J.L. Becker, and P.C. Rosen. 2023. Long-term impacts of urban floodplain management and habitat restoration on lizard communities in a Sonoran Desert city. Ecological Engineering, Volume 197.
Balbuena, M.S., S. Buchman, D. Papaj, and R. A. Raguso. 2024. Organ-specific volatiles from Sonoran desert Krameria flowers as potential signals for oil-collecting bees. Phytochemistry, Volume 218:
Reichenbacher, F. 2024. Calescent drought, fortuitous climates and decline of a Sonoran Desert cucurbitaceous vine. Haseltonia 31.
Tolman, C. F. 1909. The geology of the vicinity of the Tumamoc Hills. In: V. M. Spalding, ed., Distribution and movements of desert plants, pp. 67-82. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 113.
Post, Donald, David Hendricks, and M. L. Richardson 1973 The Soils of Tumamoc Hill. Unpublished report on file, Water, Soil and Environmental Science Department, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Phillips, M. P. 1976. Geology of Tumamoc Hill, Sentinel Peak, and vicinity. M.S. thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Spencer, J. (compiler), and E. M. Moore, and R. A. Trapp, (digital cartographers). 2003. Bedrock Geologic Map of Sentinel Peak (A-Mountain) and Tumamoc Hill, Pima County, Arizona. Tucson, Arizona Geological Survey Digital Geologic Map 29, scale 1:12,000.
Coville, F. V., and D. T. MacDougal. 1903. Desert Botanical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1906. Year Book No. 5 1906. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1907. Year Book No. 5 1907. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1908. Year Book No. 5 1908. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1909. Year Book No. 6 1909. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1910. Year Book No. 7 1910. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1911. Year Book No. 8 1911. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1912. Year Book No. 9 1912. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1913. Year Book No. 10 1913. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1914. Year Book No. 11 1914. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1915. Year Book No. 14 1915. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1916. Year Book No. 15 1916. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Culin, Frank L., Jr. 1916 Building Stones. University of Arizona Bulletin. Economic Series No. 10. University of Arizona, Bureau of Mines.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1917. Year Book No. 16 1917.Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1918. Year Book No. 17 1918. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1919. Year Book No. 18 1919. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1920. Year Book No. 19 1920. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1921. Year Book No. 20 1921. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1922. Year Book No. 21 1922. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1923. Year Book No. 22 1923. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., USA.
Wilder, J. C. 1967. The years of a desert laboratory. Journal of Arizona History 8:179-199.
McGinnies, W. G. 1981. Discovering the desert: legacy of the Carnegie Desert Botanical Laboratory. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Bowers, J.E., 1983. Jacob Corwin Blumer: Arizona botanist. Brittonia 35:197-203.
Bowers, J. E. 1986. A career of her own: Edith Shreve at the Desert Laboratory. Desert Plants 8:23-29.
Bowers, J. E. 1988. A sense of place: the life and work of Forrest Shreve. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Bowers, J. E. 1990. A debt to the future: scientific achievements of the Desert Laboratory, Tumamoc Hill, Tucson, Arizona. Desert Plants 10:9-12, 36-47.
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